It's time for Christians to thrive rather than strive . At Sonship Lifestyle, We help people discover their Spiritual strengths, celebrate there inclusion, and live life full of joy, and love, as well as reveal one's whole and complete mind in the Spirit of Christ. 
  • ​November 3rd - 7th   2021
  •  March 23rd - 27th  2022
  • ​July 20th - 24th  2022
  • ​October 19th - 23rd  2022
The Sonship Lifestyle University - Spirit Week, being held in PaulyB’s home with his family, is one of most unique experiences you will ever attend. You’ll be staying 5 days (Wednesday arrive - Sunday leave) with PaulyB, his family and the other glory friends joining us that week.

You will be trained from a hands-on community approach in which we’ll be activating Holy Spirt in you, from the finished works perspective of what Jesus has already done, so that you can walk it out in your daily life; relationships, careers and hobbies.

Spirit Week is a course on walking out the fullness of who Christ is in you.
PaulyB has trained 1,000’s of people from all over the world to walk out the supernatural realities of a life in union with Jesus.

Watch and see What People are saying? 

Get your copy "Think And Grow Christ Minded"
How you think will determine the life that you live and the peace that you have!! Hundreds of people all around the world are learning to think with the Mind of Christ!! Now it's your turn.. Pick up your copy today!
Schedule Me To Speak!
PAULY B MINISTRIES is pleased to offer an amazing opportunity to be invited to host the SONSHIP LIFESTYLE 3 Day Workshop – and or speaking engagements of any kind.
PaulyB is seasoned and can teach on any topic you need. Learn More..
"PAULY B MINISTRIES is like no other; there are no VIP rooms and no backstage exit door. This Workshop and or serves PaulyB does is created to be intentional, approachable an personable with teaching, training, and equipping believers as Jesus Christ did on earth, on a personal and relational level."
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